
Document Forgery Detection | Ensure Authenticity with Digital Measures  

Today’s ever-evolving world has greatly stimulated financial and non-financial companies to carry out their business operations through online platforms. The online shift has enabled cybercriminals to forge documents of legitimate customers to gain illicit access to the company’s services. They often sell these documents to illegal websites for monetary gain. 

According to a 2022 report, approximately 400 cases of document forgery were reported in Belgium. Enterprises should protect the confidentiality of customer’s documents by implementing an authentic document forgery detection solution. This enables companies to protect customer’s identity credentials from illicit access and other related scams.        

What are the Document Forgery Techniques Imposters Use to Manipulate Identities?  

Document forgery is a technique through which imposters alter and manipulate an authentic document. Imposters utilize advanced services to steal the customer’s document information and commit identity theft attacks. Document forgery can appear in various forms, some of which are discussed below:

  • Counterfeit Documents: Document counterfeiting is the process where the imposters reproduce an entirely fake document by using the identity information of legal account holders and service users. Imposters usually create counterfeit copies of customer’s passports, identity cards, and driver’s licenses, breaching the confidentiality of their authentic documents. 
  • Document Alterations: In this type of forgery, imposters alter and substitute the original documents. They use digital services to edit the customer’s information and make it accessible for illicit uses. 
  • Synthetic Document Forgery: Synthetic document fraud is the process of combining authentic and counterfeit information to generate a new identity document. Imposters use synthetic identities to illicitly open a new fraudulent bank account as they can manipulate the financial service providers with a fake address and income proof.    
  • Electronic Document Manipulation: This is a type of forgery attempt in which the imposters utilize online photo editing software to alter the original information and use them for their personal benefits.   

Why Do Imposters Forge Legitimate Customer’s Documents?

Imposters often commit document forgery to conduct unlawful activities and gain illegal access to authorized business services and operations. The most prevalent use of forged documents is when the imposters manipulate passports to gain access to other countries. These forged documents are often used to access financial services unlawfully, such as new bank account openings, to conduct illegal entities. They manipulate the legitimate entity’s identity to file for financial loans and insurance policies. The forged documents are used by workers to access accommodation and employment facilities in foreign countries. Criminals also use these documents to gain vehicle access for unauthorized use.              

Why Should Companies Utilize Digital Verification Solutions to Mitigate Forgery Documents?

Companies should utilize digital document verification solutions to combat the risk of synthetic documents and identity theft. Digital solutions allow companies to use artificial intelligence and deep learning solutions, which detect document alterations and substitutions by detecting inconsistencies in the watermarks and holograms. The AI-powered technologies provide real-time document authentication by identifying the variations in the original document formats. 

Biometric facial detection and fingerprint scanning can also detect the imposters involved in document forgery. These services detect the customer’s presence and compare it with the document information stored in the official directories. This cross-referencing identifies the document holder’s identity, mitigating illicit entity’s involvement in document forgery and identity theft attacks. 

What is the Significance of Forensic Analysis of Document Forgery?

Document forensic validation is an effective forgery detection solution as it incorporates scientific methods to detect data manipulation and alterations. Forensic document examiners use digital methods to access the forgery evidence through computer systems. Document forensic detection is a very delicate process as it deals with the confidential information of legitimate customers. 

The forensic examiners must abide by the forensic rules and policies to ensure the protection of sensitive information. They must thoroughly identify the crime that is to be detected. The next step is to retrieve the evidence through official inventories to track the document’s original source. Forensic analysis uses ultraviolet light ways, electrostatic detection devices, and automated solutions to detect the alterations in text and signatures. These services prevent hackers from illicitly accessing the servers, eliminating the probability of document forgery. They detect the malwares and use automated solutions to eliminate them. This removes the privacy concerns of individuals as forensic solutions ensure data security because the document verification services comply with the KYC regulations.         

Summing It Up  

Document forgery is a recurring crime in the online business landscape. Businesses should utilize advanced document forgery detection solutions to prevent illicit entities from accessing the documents unlawfully for their personal benefit. The forged documents can be detected with the incorporation of digital document verification solutions. The examiners can utilize ultraviolet light detection services, which detect the alterations, substitutions, and editing in the documents. The AI-powered document verification services allow companies to provide real-time verification, allowing companies to streamline their regular business operations.    

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